Monday, November 30, 2009

Where is the Comparison?

Ok here's a question for you. Why is Nick Jonas going solo? And the name of the band...Nick Jonas and The Administration. What is this? Sure, it was probably bound to happen eventually what with his oldest brother getting married and Joe being busy breaking hearts, but ALREADY? He is only 17 years old and the Jonas Brothers have only been relevant for 2 years. I would take this more seriously if it were a decade later and no one heard of the JoBros anymore ala Taylor Hanson and Tinted Windows. The kid is too young to be taken seriously as a solo artist. His voice still cracks and strains and he is nowhere as skilled in his guitar chops as he needs to be to be a respected solo artist. I'm hearing that this new album, Who I Am, is a seventies blue-eyed soul and more mellow sound than that of the Jonas Brothers and Jonas is even being compared by some to John Mayer. WHAT?! Something just doesn't sit right with me with this. And another thing that has been bothering me about this kid. What's with his "murse"? He seems to always have a brown satchel slung around his shoulder. Um....
I guess before I pass any true judgement on the matter I should listen to the album in its entirety. Or at least wait until Wednesday night to see his performance on the Grammy Nominations Concert. So what does this mean for poor Joe Jonas? Kevin will be busy making babies, Nick will be busy touring and promoting his new album, and Joe will be.....

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Adam Glambert:Inappropriate or Right on Target?

Unless you've been living under a rock for the past week, the whole world has been talking about Adam Lambert's AMA performance last Sunday night. His rawly sexual and glam performance of his first single "For Your Entertainment" has been the subject of controversy focusing on his kissing his male keyboardist, S&M-type costuming, and mimicking oral sex. Now, Ive been following and been a fan of Adam Lambert since American Idol and I was very interested to see his debut television award show performance. And I can't say that I was disappointed. Glambert has not exactly made a name for himself being PC and a tame individual. So why is the world stunned and shocked by this performance? Were they expecting him to just go out there without causing a scene? The man is known for being campy and over the top. He wore platforms and eyeliner on primetime television every week for god sake. The biggest problem that I have with the complaints about his performance is the double standard that is placed on pop stars today. The Madonna/Britney/Christina VMA kiss happened. Female pop stars have been overtly displaying there sexuality on television and in music videos for over a decade now. Lady Gaga can wear almost no clothes. Rap lyrics today are so full of raw, rude, and offensive lyrics and emphasis on woman, drugs, alcohol, and sex. But because Adam Lambert is a male, and a gay male at that, it is taboo for him to act in such a manner. You see, Lambert is smart. He isn't going to capture the attention of America by playing by the rules. Has anyone heard from Kris Allen since American Idol ended? Was he asked to close the AMA's this year? I dont think so. If Glambert wants to be a pop idol, he is doing what he needs to do be in the news and gain attention. The 70's were chock full of campy over the top, sexual pop stars. Adam Lambert is simply 4 decades too late. Adam.....I applaud you. Do what ya gotta do.